
Watch CBC: You Can’t Ask That “Visual Impairment”

From all walks of life, the visually impaired we meet in this episode answer questions about what it is like to navigate the world without sight and the answers are very enlightening.

Here’s what Guest author Donovan Tildesley (a Paralympic athlete who medalled in 4 games and was Canada’s flag bearer in Beijing)  had to say about this episode:

“My good friend Dr. Sexton recently sent me a link to the third episode of a fascinating CBC-TV series focusing on disability. This episode deals with people who are blind or visually impaired, and tackles some of the sometimes awkward questions we are asked by well-meaning sighted people. Blind since birth I am all too familiar with these types of conversations! My biggest takeaway from this episode? Persons with vision loss are just as diverse in their values and personalities as those with sight. Keep an eye out for Vancouverite Johnny Tai, a blind martial artist and councilor who I have known for many years. Listen, watch, and be inspired.”

– Donovan TildesleyDonovan Tildesley_High_Res

Click below for the CBC link to watch:





Johnny Tai is a Vancouverite. You can find his website here:

Stay tuned for next month’s blogpost to learn more about Johnny!