What should I bring?
Your Care Card, a list of your medications, prescription glasses, reading glasses and sunglasses – in case your eyes are dilated.
Do I need a Referral for my appointment?
Yes, you will need a referral from a physician or optometrist to book an appointment. Referrals are valid for up to 6 months. After 6 months you will be required to obtain a new referral.
What should I expect?
Your appointment may include a variety of vision testing, images and scans prior to seeing Dr. Sexton. Expect your appointment at the clinic to last 60-90 minutes.
What does it mean to have my eyes dilated?
You may have dilating drops administered during your appointment. It will mainly affect your near vision, making it blurry up to about an arm’s length distance. The drops last approximately about 4 hours and will also make you sensitive to light, so we recommend to bring sunglasses for your own comfort after your exam.
Dilating drops work in one of the ways:
- By temporarily paralyzing the muscle that makes the pupil smaller;
- By stimulating the muscle that makes the iris (the colored part of the eye) widen; or
- By preventing the pupil from adjusting for focus (called accommodation).
When your pupils are dilated, Dr. Sexton can use special instruments to see the eye’s entire lens, which focuses light onto the retina (the light-sensitive tissue lining the back of the eye). The retina itself also can be seen, as well as the optic nerve, which sends signals from the retina to your brain where they are interpreted as images.
Can I drive if my eyes are dilated?
Legally by ICBC regulations you are able to drive after having dilating drops administered, however, it’s your personal preference whether or not you feel comfortable enough to drive. We recommend having someone drive you if you are unsure how comfortable you will be to drive.
Is there wheelchair accessibility?
At the moment, due to strata By-laws the Wheelchair lift in the back is decommissioned, we are working on having this matter taken care of for the near future. Please note there are 8 steps with handrails on either side of the staircase to our front entrance.
Where should I park?
There is meter parking out front on the street, along West 1st and Chestnut St. Another option is a parkade off of Chestnut St. and West 1st, accessed through the alley between Chestnut St and York St.
Cancellation Policy: Appointments cancelled or re-scheduled less than two business days in advance will be charged a re-booking appointment fee without exception.
What are your COVID-19 Policies?
We are currently allowing only patients in the clinic. Translators and caregivers will be communicated with over the phone.
You will be asked to complete a screening form prior to your appointment.
Please arrive on time for your appointment, not early.
Your temperature will be taken on arrival, and you will be given a medical-grade mask to wear.
Social-distancing procedures are being followed in our waiting area.