
Migraine World Summit 2021

The Migraine World Summit is a great patient resource!

By registering for the 2021 Migraine World Summit, you’ll have access to 32 international migraine and headache experts. They will be hosting a live Webinar from March 17–25, 2021, you can learn about the latest research, treatments, and strategies to help you better manage migraine and chronic headache.

The Migraine World Summit is a free, online event whose mission is to reduce the global burden of migraine.

This year’s Migraine World Summit will answer questions such as:

  • Why doesn’t migraine have a cure yet?
  • What are the latest strategies for chronic migraine control?
  • What causes migraine and its symptoms?
  • How do you prevent an attack before it happens?
  • How do you manage migraine triggered by changes in weather?
  • Does yoga help with migraine?
  • Do any medications make migraine worse?
  • What’s the link between migraine and autoimmune diseases?
  • How do you juggle multiple health conditions and migraine?

How does weight loss affect migraine disease?

Get your free access when you register today: Learn from the Migraine and Headache Experts – Migraine World Summit

