Find out: Inactive ingredients in Prescription Drugs
Patients often ask what other ingredients may be found in their medications due to allergies or sensitivities they have. Find out more from this great article by By Joel Claycomb, PharmD: Click Here! Copy and paste the link below if the link into your browser window if it does […]
Why doesn’t Dr. Sexton prescribe eye glasses?
We often get asked… “Why doesn’t Dr. Sexton prescribe eye glasses?” Click here to find out
EVENT: Bollywood Ball Feb 13, 2016
The Bollywood Ball 2016 Help prevent blindness by equipping a new Retinal Operating Room at the Jim Pattison Outpatient Care and Surgery Centre. Did you know that Retinal Disease is the leading cause of blindness? 4,700 British Columbians lose their vision every year. 75% of vision loss is preventable. Your […]
MUST SEE: Inspirational video of paralympian and paralympic flag bearer Donovan Tildseley
Here is a great video featuring local paralympian and paralympic flag bearer Donovan Tildseley showing off the local mountains and the power of a positive attitude.
Eye-Friendly Computer Displays
As a doctor one of the things I love is how much I am able to learn from my patients. Often patients are able to identify things that work for them that fall outside the scope of what I am educated about and taught to prescribe. Light sensitivity or photophobia […]
Vision Quest Vancouver 2015
Vision Quest Vancouver will be held on November 14th, 2015. Dr. Briar will be chairing the event this year! This important education event on retinal disease is being held Saturday, November 14th at Simon Fraser University’s Harbour Centre. Register by July 31 and save on your session registration! If you have age-related […]
Preview of Comic Vision 2015 with Dr. Briar Sexton on CTV Morning news
Comic Vision is coming up Soon!! Click here to watch Dr. Briar Sexton talk about Comic Vision on CTV morning news!! Click here for more info on Comic Vision and tickets!
5 Celebrity Beauty Secrets by Elevate Magazine
Check out our Cosmetic page on our website to find what services we provide!
You don’t want to miss Vancouver Comic Vision 2015!
Click here for event details! Sharing the laughter since 1999, Comic Vision has contributed over $7M to the Foundation Fighting Blindness, funding research to find cures for vision loss and blindness currently affecting over 1 million Canadian children and adults. Each coast to coast Comic Vision event brings together an […]
UBC-VCH scientists use drug to repair a rare birth defect
I don’t get excited about research very often. Breakthroughs tend to be small and far away from being relevant to the patients I see day in and day out. The press release from UBC about the work of Dr. Cheryl Gregory-Evans is different. It is ready for clinical trial right […]